CGA Engineering

Through a whole new Ads & SEO foundation and brand new website, CGA Engineering saw massive growth in their amount of enquiry and sales.
Daily Organic Visit Increase
Return On Investment
Total Leads Per Month
Web Traffic Increase

Project Details

CGA Engineering, renowned for providing turnkey mezzanine floor and structural steel services in Melbourne, engaged Periscope Media to bolster their web presence and lead generation through paid and organic search. Our collaboration commenced with an immediate focus on Google Ads, a strategy that yielded quick wins and valuable initial data. This information guided our subsequent planning as we analysed what would be required for a comprehensive SEO campaign.

With the strategic combination of initial Google Ads data and thorough research into SEO requirements, we identified the most impactful pages for CGA Engineering's website. We then created a tailored website, leveraging both Google Ads to capture high-intent users and a long-term SEO strategy, knowing that SEO takes time to fully realise its potential.

This dual approach, focused on Google Ads for immediate results and SEO for sustained growth, led to CGA Engineering ranking for a high volume of keywords. The results were remarkable, leading to a substantial increase in high-quality leads for mezzanines, as well as additional leads that enabled CGA Engineering to collaborate with others in their industry.

The client has expressed immense satisfaction with the success of the digital marketing campaign, which has contributed to substantial business growth. The development of a new website, the fine-tuning of their Google Ads account, and the implementation of a robust long-term SEO strategy have led to CGA Engineering securing the quality leads they were seeking. This carefully crafted combination of strategies has not only met but exceeded their expectations, underlining the power of a well-orchestrated digital marketing approach through Periscope Media.


CGA Engineering


March 2023